Lacey Burgess » Graph of the Week

Graph of the Week

Some questions to consider when writing your reflection are listed out below. 
* What is the topic of the graph or graphs?
* What are some observations you can make about each graph?
* What conclusions can you make about the information?
* Based on the data, what do you think will happen in the next 10 years?
* How do you feel about the information. 
Don't forget to remember the writing expectations from your ELA class. They are listed out below and your reflection should follow the same process.
* Hook
* Introduce Topic
* Evidence to the questions listed above
* Elaborate on each piece of evidence
* Restate introduction
* Summarize the reflection
* Strong Statement (leave them with something to think about)
Listed below are some examples of student work from previous years. Use these as a reference to help you with your own writing. 
Use the link below to access the graph options.