Library FAQs
When is the library open?
Students will visit the library every 3 weeks with their ELA class.
How many books can I check out?
Students may checkout up to 2 books (only 1 may be a graphic novel).
How long can I borrow a book?
Due dates are conveniently stamped in the back of your library book. The loan period for a book is 3 weeks. Books may be renewed as long as there is not a wait list. Please see the librarian to renew your book.
What happens if I don't return a book on time?
If you forget to return your book on time, it's okay--it happens! Just return it as soon as you can. Other students may be waiting for that book, and we want to be respectful of others. Checkout restrictions may be placed on accounts that have overdue books.
What happens if I lose a book or it gets damaged?
There are fines for lost or damaged books, so that we can fix or replace them in the library. Please contact Ms. Williams ASAP so that we can resolve the issue.